Sunday, April 18, 2021

Take Ten with John - Day 11!

Today we join Jesus and the disciples in the verses immediately following the 4th Sign - the Feeding of the 5,000. The Fifth Sign starts in John 6:15, where Jesus went up the mountain to pray, while his disciples went to the other side of the sea in the boat, whereupon a big storm arose! Yes, this is Jesus walking on the water, but with some important differences, so listen in!

And here's a great Casting Crowns sound entitled "Praise You In This Storm." Seems appropriate for our lesson today!

1 comment:

  1. Are we like the disciples who don't recognize Jesus in the midst of our storms or that He brought us safely to the shore?


  Take Ten with John - Day 40! We end our  40  days of Take Ten with John today - and it's been a real privilege to share these messages...