Tuesday, April 20, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 13!

Today we're on the second day of looking at John chapter 9 and the reactions of the people to the healing of the man born blind!  We can see throughout the rest of the chapter that everyone is indeed blind - except Jesus!  They just can't understand what is going on.  And the progression of faith in the man born blind is such an amazing movement - from knowing that "the man Jesus" healed him, to saying that Jesus must be a prophet, to professing faith in Jesus and worshipping him.  This is done because that's the kind of faith that John wants to cultivate in those who follow Jesus!  Read the entire chapter 9 of John and then listen in!

And here's the Living Stones Quartet singing "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."  That's what John's Gospel calls us to do.  Sing along with this beautiful arrangement!

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  Take Ten with John - Day 40! We end our  40  days of Take Ten with John today - and it's been a real privilege to share these messages...