Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 25!

We're on the 5th I AM statement of Jesus - I AM the resurrection and the life.  This comes in John 11:25 when Jesus is talking with Martha about delaying his visit to Lazarus when Jesus knew he was sick.  We've talked about this before - how Jesus wanted to let them know a bigger truth than just healing Lazarus - he wanted to let them know that the abundant life he wants to bring (John 10:10) was a resurrected life that gives us power and strength over all the enemies we face in this life - enemies of doubt, confusion, disappointment, and enemies that wish to drag us down and take us away from centering on Jesus.  Jesus IS the resurrection and the true life!  

Here's the video:

And I know we've heard Josh Groban before, but You Raise Me Up is such an awesome song for today, so listen in and sing along!

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