Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 35!

Today we're on the second of Jesus' three Words from the Cross in John's Gospel - I thirst.  This is a very short word in Greek - dipsao.  One word.  And in it Jesus fulfills Scripture, and he also shows his humanity, being True God and True Man.  It's a wonderful but haunting word from the cross showing his "redemptive suffering."  You'll find out more about that in the video!

And while this isn't a normal song that I post for you, it's a Mother Teresa meditation about "I Thirst" that I think you'll enjoy.  It's about 8 1/2 minutes, but it's worth it!

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  Take Ten with John - Day 40! We end our  40  days of Take Ten with John today - and it's been a real privilege to share these messages...