Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 29!

Today we're looking at John 13:21-30 which tells of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas - after he had received the morsel of bread, dipped in the wine.  Interestingly, Judas is communed by Jesus before he went out to betray him!  This has always baffled me - I don't know if I would have been a big enough person to actually commune one who was on his way out to betray me.

Lucky for all of us, I'm not Jesus!  Because Jesus did commune Judas, which brings us face to face with the limits of love and grace - that only Jesus could truly give.  

Listen in, and think of the boundless grace of Jesus.

Here's a wonderful song by Christy Nockels entitled "You are My King (Amazing Grace).  Enjoy! 


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