Thursday, May 13, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 30!

Today we're in the Upper Room with Jesus and his 11 disciples, since Judas went out into the night to betray Jesus.  And now, in some of his final words of compassion for the disciples, Jesus tells them how he wants them to live - with love for one another.  In John 15:12-17 Jesus gives them a "new" commandment to love one another.  And think about this as you listen to the video - that love is not so much an emotion, but it is a decision - it is a conscious choice that is followed with action.  Love is not just something you think about, or something you feel - love is something you choose, and then you act on it.

That's the kind of love Jesus wants from those who follow him.  Listen in to the video and see what you think!

And I love this version of Agnus Dei with Michael W. Smith and a huge church choir!  Enjoy!

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