Sunday, May 16, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 31!

Today we're looking at the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, found in John 17, where Jesus lifts his eyes to the heavens and prays for his disciples.  And in 17:4 he has these wonderful words:  "I glorified you on earth by finishing the work that you gave me to do."

What a wonderful way to view life - that God gave us, each of us, a "work to do" and our "job" or calling is to finish that work.  Think about that today - about what God might want you to accomplish in your life.  It's one of those big questions - what am I put on this earth to do?  And especially as we begin to come out of this pandemic, what are you going to do with this second chance, this fresh start that God has given you?  Listen in!

And here's a great song by Anthem Lights, "Who I'm Meant To Be."  Enjoy!

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