Thursday, May 27, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 40!

We end our 40 days of Take Ten with John today - and it's been a real privilege to share these messages with you!  We find Jesus in a conversation with Peter today, asking Peter if he loves him.  What we miss in the English translation is the words for "love" that Jesus uses.  It's an important distinction, but the upshot of it is that Jesus loves you unconditionally, without reserve, wherever you are on your journey of faith.  But Jesus loves you far too much to leave you there.  That's an important distinction, so listen in!

Thanks for listening these past 40 days!  I'm going to take a break from these blogs during the summer, but I'll keep in touch about other opportunities!  In the meantime, come to church or listen online.  And thanks so much for the privilege of being able to provide these resources for you!  You take care!

Here's one of my favorite video songs - with Josh Groban singing "You Raise Me Up" with a group of African children.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 39!

Today we join the disciples on the beach, where Jesus is there, waiting for them.  And he tells the experienced fishermen to cast their nets to the other side of the boat, where they caught 153 fish!  What's the significance of that number?  Listen in and find out, and remember to pick up three copies of the Gospel of John in the fellowship hall door to share with someone!

Here's the video:

I've used this video before, but it bears repeating - Ode To Joy Flashmob.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 38!

Today we're looking at the story of Doubting Thomas, found in John 20:19-31.  And note that it's at the end of the Doubting Thomas story that John writes his mission statement - that these things are written that you may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that believing in him you might have life in his name.

It's a wonderful, insightful story about Thomas, and coming through doubt is something that most of us have faced at some point in our lives!  And it's a natural, and sometimes important, step in the right direction to developing a deeper and firmer faith.  The story of Thomas tells us to keep on keeping on, because it helps us develop an even more committed faith.

So listen to Day 38! 

Here's a song by Casting Crowns entitled Living He Loved Me.  Loved Thomas and loved you and me!  Enjoy!

Monday, May 24, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 37!

Today we join Mary at the tomb, who went to see Jesus, but she found an empty tomb and wept.  She wept so deeply that she didn't even recognize Jesus standing right beside her and thought he was the gardener.  But then Jesus spoke her name, and everything in her world changed.

Today we talk about the promise of "empty" - an empty cross, empty clothes, and an empty tomb, and the promises that comes from these empty parts of our faith.  And it reminds us that Jesus is always, always with us.  Listen in, but read John 19:1-18 before listening!

And it's become a classic song now, and one of my favorites, but with the promise of the resurrection we have to sing Shout To The Lord!

 Take Ten with John - Day 36!

Today we're looking at the third Word of Jesus from the cross - It is finished.

Not, I am finished, but "it" - the work that God gave Jesus to do.  It - that work - is finished.  And that means that our work of sharing His work has just begun!  At the end of this video I share with you the Pocket League Testament invitation to share the Gospel of John with someone you know.  And I make reference to a video that I'd love for you to watch after the Take Ten with John video.  It's an easy way of sharing Christ with someone when you don't know what to say!

So - listen to the video, and the song, and then the bottom video about sharing this Gospel of John with others!

And listen to this song by the Living Stones Quartet - Be Still.

Here's the video from the Pocket Testament League about sharing the Gospel of John.  I just love this video!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 35!

Today we're on the second of Jesus' three Words from the Cross in John's Gospel - I thirst.  This is a very short word in Greek - dipsao.  One word.  And in it Jesus fulfills Scripture, and he also shows his humanity, being True God and True Man.  It's a wonderful but haunting word from the cross showing his "redemptive suffering."  You'll find out more about that in the video!

And while this isn't a normal song that I post for you, it's a Mother Teresa meditation about "I Thirst" that I think you'll enjoy.  It's about 8 1/2 minutes, but it's worth it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 34!    

Today we're on the first of three words of Jesus from the cross, from John 19, where Jesus says, "Son, behold your mother - mother, behold your son."   It's a word of love and care from Jesus, creating a new family system from the cross.  In his pain, he cares for his mother, who is now only a widow, but now does not have a son to care for her.  Jesus creates a new spiritual family, thicker than genetic blood, in a Christian family at the foot of the cross.  It is one of the most tender portions of the Bible!

Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful song by Lauren Daigle entitled, Love Like This.  Enjoy!



Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 33!

Today we look at Pilate, who presided over the Roman trial of Jesus in the middle of John 18 through the middle of John 19.  The drama moves quickly, as chapter 18 begins with the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, and chapter 19 ends with the death of Jesus.  In the middle of that is the equivalent of a chapter's worth of material of the trial under Pilate - 6 scenes which leads to the condemnation of Jesus.  

Pilate tried to shirk his responsibility, but made bad decisions every step of the way.  He is a good example of a bad example!  We need to be consistent in our following of Jesus in everything we say and do.  So listen in to the video!

And I love this song, King of Kings.  I hope you do, too!

 Take Ten with John - Day 32!

Today we're on the background of the trial of Jesus, looking at Caiaphas, who was the High Priest of the Sanhedrin, who chose expediency over what was right.  Putting Jesus to death was an "inside job" by the religious authorities of the time.  Remember in John 1, where Jesus went to his own people, and they "knew him not"?  This refers to the religious leaders like Caiaphas, who sought to put Jesus to death after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead in chapter 11.

Listen in, and see the tragedy of the cross, started by Caiaphas!

And I hope you like this song - it's WayMaker by Leland - just a great song!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 31!

Today we're looking at the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, found in John 17, where Jesus lifts his eyes to the heavens and prays for his disciples.  And in 17:4 he has these wonderful words:  "I glorified you on earth by finishing the work that you gave me to do."

What a wonderful way to view life - that God gave us, each of us, a "work to do" and our "job" or calling is to finish that work.  Think about that today - about what God might want you to accomplish in your life.  It's one of those big questions - what am I put on this earth to do?  And especially as we begin to come out of this pandemic, what are you going to do with this second chance, this fresh start that God has given you?  Listen in!

And here's a great song by Anthem Lights, "Who I'm Meant To Be."  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 30!

Today we're in the Upper Room with Jesus and his 11 disciples, since Judas went out into the night to betray Jesus.  And now, in some of his final words of compassion for the disciples, Jesus tells them how he wants them to live - with love for one another.  In John 15:12-17 Jesus gives them a "new" commandment to love one another.  And think about this as you listen to the video - that love is not so much an emotion, but it is a decision - it is a conscious choice that is followed with action.  Love is not just something you think about, or something you feel - love is something you choose, and then you act on it.

That's the kind of love Jesus wants from those who follow him.  Listen in to the video and see what you think!

And I love this version of Agnus Dei with Michael W. Smith and a huge church choir!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 29!

Today we're looking at John 13:21-30 which tells of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas - after he had received the morsel of bread, dipped in the wine.  Interestingly, Judas is communed by Jesus before he went out to betray him!  This has always baffled me - I don't know if I would have been a big enough person to actually commune one who was on his way out to betray me.

Lucky for all of us, I'm not Jesus!  Because Jesus did commune Judas, which brings us face to face with the limits of love and grace - that only Jesus could truly give.  

Listen in, and think of the boundless grace of Jesus.

Here's a wonderful song by Christy Nockels entitled "You are My King (Amazing Grace).  Enjoy! 


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 28!

Today we join Jesus and his disciples in chapter 13 for the beginning part of the Upper Room Discourse in chapters 13-17.  Jesus goes there a week before he dies to celebrate the Passover with them, and before the meal begins, Jesus takes off his robe and starts to wash the disciples' feet to show them that, as his disciples, they should serve.  In this act we learn that servants love, servants are strong, and that servants serve imperfect people!

Listen in to the video:

And here's a great song called "Loving My Jesus" by Casting Crowns.  Enjoy!

Monday, May 10, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 27!

The 7th and final I AM statement of Jesus comes to us in John 15:1-11, which I encourage you to read before you listen to the video!  And notice the emphasis on "abide" - used 5 times in this verse.  While this is an old word, it is so important.  Jesus abides with us so closely that we are inseparable from his love and grace.  He abides IN us - making us tied into his very presence.  So look beyond your circumstance, and see God's presence in every waking moment.  That's what it means to have him "abide" in and with us.

Here's the video:

Here's a wonderful song about Jesus being the vine and us being the branches.  Enjoy!

 Take Ten with John - Day 26!

In John 14:6 Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."  It's the 6th I AM statement of Jesus.  And it gives such a blessing to those who know and follow Jesus!  It gives a picture of what heaven will be like - with a "mansion" that he has gone before us to prepare.

As you listen to the video, and read through John 14, think of all the blessings that your faith provides you.  And remember how a blessing helps you move forward in life, no matter what kinds of challenges you face.  God wants to bless you, and in this passage Jesus certainly brings that blessing home to us!

Here's a song about Jesus being the way, truth, and life.  The background is a little distracting, but I like the song!  

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 25!

We're on the 5th I AM statement of Jesus - I AM the resurrection and the life.  This comes in John 11:25 when Jesus is talking with Martha about delaying his visit to Lazarus when Jesus knew he was sick.  We've talked about this before - how Jesus wanted to let them know a bigger truth than just healing Lazarus - he wanted to let them know that the abundant life he wants to bring (John 10:10) was a resurrected life that gives us power and strength over all the enemies we face in this life - enemies of doubt, confusion, disappointment, and enemies that wish to drag us down and take us away from centering on Jesus.  Jesus IS the resurrection and the true life!  

Here's the video:

And I know we've heard Josh Groban before, but You Raise Me Up is such an awesome song for today, so listen in and sing along!

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 24!

Today we're on the 4th I AM statement of Jesus - I AM the good shepherd!

Now, as people heard Jesus say that, their minds would have gone back immediately to Psalm 23 - The Lord is my shepherd.  That's how they'd process this I AM statement - through the lens of the 23rd Psalm.  So, before you listen to the video, read through Psalm 23 and just remember what a wonderful psalm it is.  Enjoy the video and the song!

And here's a great song that's based on the 23rd Psalm - I didn't know it before but I kind of like it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 23!

Today our "I Am" is I Am the Gate (or door).  It comes twice in John 10:1-10, which describes the door or gate of a sheepfold.  And there are three lessons to learn from this - first, that Jesus is the only gate, but it's a gate that's open to all who want to know and follow him.  Second, that the door/gate is narrow, and third, that the gate/door is the most satisfying way.

Listen in!

And here's a song I love - O Praise the Name.  We sing it at church so sing along!

Monday, May 3, 2021

 Take Ten with John - Day 22!

Today we are on the second of the I Am statements of Jesus - I am the light of the world - from John 8:12.  What's fascinating is the context of this verse, when Jesus was in Jerusalem around the Temple during the Feast of the Tabernacles.  This was an important festival that reminded the Jews of the pillar of fire that guided their ancestors during their wilderness journey.  And in that context, Jesus shows how he shaped his sayings around external circumstances to reinterpret their experience!  Jesus was a master of that, especially in the Gospel of John!

So listen in to Jesus - the light of the world!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Take Ten with John - Day 21!

Today we begin looking at the 7 "I Am" statements of Jesus, and our focus today is on his first statement: I am the bread of life, from John 6:35. It follows as commentary from the feeding of the 5,000. And in the video I pose the question, "What are you hungry for?"

Are you hungry for God's provision or God's person?

Are you hungry for the temporal or the eternal?

Are you hungry for the flesh or the spirit?

Think of these questions as you listen to the video!

Here's a great video by Sierra Hull called Trust and Obey!

  Take Ten with John - Day 40! We end our  40  days of Take Ten with John today - and it's been a real privilege to share these messages...